Please work on bug fixes, not on new feature!

Note to all developer: Because the technical debt increase faster than the project receive PR to fix bugs, the technical debt has became a priority. So I won’t merge (or at least i will merge voluntarily slower) PR for new features, until the technical debt is more reduced (bug fix need and stabilization is also the point that delays the v19 release of few days). The good news is that, since several days, we have new technical debt killers that work very hard on Dolibarr :muscle:
Thanks to Frederic, Wiliam, Thibdrev and others… Don’t forget, we don’t need developers, we need bug fixers, bugs fixers and also bug fixers. Take a look at the Github issues with type “Bug” if you are hungry of development :slightly_smiling_face:

PS: Fixing a bug is not always coding, it is often just testing and closing ticket !


Okay, that part I could probably do.

I still think that one does need to have at least some PHP coding skills to fix bugs.

Maybe someone could rate the bug into difficulty categories such that newbies knows where to start.

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This is a good opportunity to learn, not a PHP developer and not even a developer. If i have an understanding of what is to be done, i would gladly want to try my hands too :smile:

Besides, can we also look at bulk cost price option too like customer price?

Thank you Eldy and well done on this project with your team

I looked a bit into the code a while ago since we considering switching to Dolibarr. The French class names and code was a burden for me.

Is there documentation on this topic, a style guide about the language or plans to translate even class names to English some day?

Thanks, Jakob


I have the same issue. The mix of language in the project is a big problem.

okay so now I’ve made 56 pull requests, where I’ve withdrawn some and a few was rejected, so probably between 40 and 50 was approved and merged, so I wanna comment a bit on my own statements and some of the others comments.

  1. No, for some bugs and contributions you do not need PHP coding writing skills, you need to be able to code in general, look at the existing code and often you can fix some small bugs because it is “obvious” what is missing. Then you just trial and error until it is fixed.

  2. Even for new contributions to the API, there is often some existing code that can be copied, modified and expanded - this is also a contribution.

  3. even if you don’t know how to code, you could test the incoming bug reports, perhaps add some pictures or when needed a step by step guide how to trigger the bug. It might also be as little as adding only the relevant logs from apache/php error log or dolibarr.log snippets.

@nurfz I don’t speak French either, my 2. foreign language was German, 1. was English. Yeah it is slightly annoying that there are french words in database and variable names. But I managed to get changes made anyway, and soon you’ll learn what the French words mean and then you know what to do.

Perhaps you could set yourself the task of replacing the French words? Then slowly Dolibarr will end up being English.

Style guide? I mostly copy and then modify existing code which means that the style is preserved.

@egils I think it is possible to add code anyway even when one does not know French. But maybe it has been the parts I have been working on that made it easier to get started. I think I mostly worked on the API.

@nurfz @egils If you happen to know how to program Python and/or Ansible which is written in Python, then I wish that it would be possible to use Ansible to change and interact with Dolibarr. I also believe that this would require no or very little PHP code to get started, as the way I would do that would be to use the Dolibarr API to make the changes.



first message here :slight_smile:

Sorry if it is explained somwhere, but I didn’t read everything at the moment.
What is the procedure for closing a ticket if after testing we find out that the bug doesn’t exist anymore ?


If you have permission to close the ticket:
You add a comment with a mention like this one “After test on new version, it appears the bug can’t be reproduced on latest version, so ticket is closed. Thanks to reopen if not…”
And you close

If you don’t have permission to close ticket, you can add thevmention
“After test on new version, it appears the bug can’t be reproduced on latest version, so ticket will be closed soon…”
And you can add
@Dolibarr/jedi-maintenance to warm someone with permission to close…