Public link to the customer document folder

I have to manage an installation where, for each customer, a large number of documents are uploaded.
Is it possible to give to the customer the access (via link) to their specific folder?

Thanks for the replies

Inside dolibarr?

Because I am sure it can be done outside Dolibarr - but then you need some (different) user management

No outside Dolibarr, the idea is to send an email with a link to the URL from which the customer can access all their documents.
What do you mean with “you need some (different) user management”?

Hi @mgribaudo
Natively short answer is no.

Long answer is yes

  1. It can be done outside Dolibarr as @jonbendtsen suggested if you implement a webdav connection with NEXTCLOUD for example that allows read only links.

There is also a module in Dolistore

  1. In v. 20.0.0 you can try module WebPortal, still in experimental status though but working
    Where you open account for each customer.
    NEW WebPortal module by lvessiller-opendsi · Pull Request #25879 · Dolibarr/dolibarr · GitHub

You will need to make sure that only the right customer can access their own files, no cross polination. So you need a username and password to log in, and you can not (easily) ask Dolibarr, so you need some separate user management to give them access to their own files.

You could circumvent that by having both Dolibarr and this file mangement system use some 3. party user system, like FreeIPA, LDAP, Kerberos, PAM, SAML, …

Now we are on this topic. I have wondered how well it would work to store the documents in:

  • a git repo
  • a file share like dropbox, one drive, …
  • or just easily take a backup to such a place