I am currently setting up the tickets module. In our usecase, we need to be able to share files between internal users and “public users”. An example would be:
public user opens ticket with an image attached
staff member reads the ticket
staff member answers with an attached PDF file
public user gets email notification
public user logs in to public ticket interface
public user downloads manual file
public user closes the ticket
While both internal users and “public users” can attach files to messages, only internal users can see them.
I did not see an option in the module setup to expose files to the public interface. Is that possible somehow?
this prints the document list on the public ticket page, but when you click on them, you only open a new tab with the loginpage to the “internal system”.
The usecase from my previous post seems to be standard though. And every ticket system I previously worked with, that allows non registered users to upload files in the tickets also allows them to see/download them.
It is weird that dolibarr allows the upload, but then users cant even see the file they just uploaded in the message history. The feedback a user gets is basically “We got your message, but we didnt get your file” That will inevitably cause confusion with our customers.
I totally might have overlooked something though. If so please point me in the right direction.