Publishing Website

I am trying to figure out “HOW” to publish the website created within dolibarr CMS. I dont have any issue in editing etc, but i am not able to figure out how to make it live. I have two separate domains on same dedicated server. with directories:

/home/user_id/domain1 (dolibaar system)
/home/user_id/domain2 (public website)

I have ubuntu (22.04) with webuzu

If there is a tutorial on it, i am not able to find it, kindly someone share me the link if its available.

Hi @sam72

You can take a look at the wiki

yes i did… it gives instructions very clearly, which are clear for someone who understands them :slight_smile: but for a person like me, they are just phew on the head… what is the simplest possible way? (and for the code, if you guys put a note “where” to put that code (like director / domain root) and file name that should be used, it will be very convenient.