Purchase Order Receiving

I’m trying to receive products using reception through Dolibarr and I have a situation here.
I have 100 products to receive but 80 are good and 20 are damaged where can I mark the same since a credit note has to be raised for the same later on.
The part which also I didn’t understand is post receiving I’m having to raise an Invoice against the Purchase Order post which it is getting moved to the Billing|Payment section shouldn’t this ideally be called GRN ( Goods Received Note)

Hi vrtheguy,

In my opinion, you have 2 choices:

  1. receive the damaged inventory, adding notes to the line items with issues, then create a credit note for the affected items against the invoice attached to your PO. Please keep in mind that you will have to manually remove the items from your inventory, as Dolibarr does not automatically do it for you at this time.
  2. Do not receive the items and mark the PO as complete (assuming your vendor will not replace the damaged items). Create the invoice for your order due for the 80 good items, but record the full payment for the total amount. Dolibarr will ask you to create a credit note or a refund for the difference. If you chose the credit note, that amount will appear as absolute credit in your vendor’s profile.

I would personally use the method that more closely resembles your physical reality or that allows you to track the situation in the future. Remember you can always add notes to the invoices, POs, etc. if you need to.

Concerning your question about the invoice after the receipt. A “Goods Received Note” is automatically created, the next natural step would be to pay your invoice; therefore, Dolibarr asks you to create a record for it.

You can find the GRN under Products->Receptions->List, or if you go to your PO, at the bottom of the page you can find “Related Objects”, the file name usually has the name “RCPYYMM-####” unless you changed your settings.

I hope the answer is clear, let me know if you have further questions.