What is the correct “sqlfilters” statement to use within the Rest API to get tasks with a “date_end” that is later than 01/01/2020 ?
I’m not using that, but you probably need to have date_end be larger than that date in seconds since January 1st 1970.
probably something like this would work (t.date_creation:>:1699463468)
with the correct number other than 1699463468
Thank you, much appreciated.
did you find a solution?
I’m not sure what you mean by date_end but this works for me to show invoices with a due date after 01/01/2020
For some fields like datec (datecreated) and datem (date modified) it appears to umiplemented.
okay thanks. That field does not seem to exist for proposals or orders, but other date fields do. Unfortunately I still get proposals and orders from before (t.datep:>:‘2024-01-01’) and I would expect > to mean that only those fields with a date bigger than that date.
If i turn it around (t.datep:<:‘2024-01-01’) I get no proposals found ?? and there should be