Rounding error makes Dolibarr classify invoice as "Paid (partially)"

In earlier version (v12), when paying an invoice with this kind of rounding error, there was a possibility to click “Classify paid” so the remainder sum was zeroed out and invoice was classified “Paid”. In v14, this possibility is gone and because of these silly rounding errors the invoices are still included in the “Unpaid invoices” widged.

Dolibarr rounds everything to X.00, which is how we set it up because sending an invoice to a customer with amount “1234.56” just looks silly, but when we specifically receive an invoice from vendor we cannot alter their amount. In this case the rounding goes wrong because we cannot tell Dolibarr to NOT round for a specific invoice (we can only change tax calculation from “Method 1” to “Method 2”), and it’s a mess.

So, question: for these “partial paid” invoices (which are actually paid in full), how can we zero out the X.00-part so Dolibarr classifies it as fully paid?