Sales Order to include "Customer shipping contact" and "Customer invoice contact"

How can I include the “Customer shipping contact” and “Customer invoice contact” on Sales Order?

Can anyone help me to compute a Contact Address? I think that’s the key.


In the GUI or API?

Here are 2 pictures from 18.0.5, the big one is from Contacts on a Proposal, and the small one is the Contact roles that one can choose.

This last picture is from Home, Setup, Dictionaries, Contact/Address types where I have defined those extra Contact roles.

The LEAD, FOLLOW and PARTNER is a leftover from an experiment I did in my Dance Class Registration system

Thank you for your reply. Yes, I see the Contacts/Addresses tab and I’ve made some selections. The problem I’m having is… How do I get a Contact (& their address) to show up on a Sales Order (pdf)?

FYI, I’ve been preparing templates in the .ODT style for now, to give me more control of appearances. To that end, I would need a final ‘tag’ to link to my template(s).

Much appreciated!

I’m afraid I do not know, I do not use this functionality.

But I have noticed that I can set different kinds of contacts on proposals than on orders.

There must be a way to load Contact Addresses (perhaps through a Computed Field). From there its not that hard with …options… tag.


OK. Having trouble ‘computing’ address. I have come up with the following formula that results in nothing:

(($reloadedobj = new socpeople($db)) && ($reloadedobj->fetch(8) > 0)) ? $reloadedobj->address : ‘not found’

I’m trying to simply compute the ‘address’ field for record 8 in the Contacts table. Why does it not work?