Send a notification email when ticket assigned

Hi, i found this two feature marked as new in Dolibarr 18, but without any additional infomation - and when i assign ticket to user, nothing happened. Are there some prerequisities?

NEW: Tickets: --Send an email when ticket assigned–
NEW: Tickets: Send a notification email when ticket assigned


Which version of Dolibarr do you run?

Have you enabled the notifications module?

thank you for response,
i have version 18.04

I have this two modules which contains name Notification

okay good, do notifications for other stuff work?

dont know how to check it - emails from Dolibarr are sending, but i dont know if it sent by notfication module?

well, try to disable the module and check if you still get emails that you got before, but you no longer get after?

Hi margi,
have you configured the outgoing mail for ticket?

yes, when i disable Notification module, emails stop comming. When I add this subscription, this user gets email when all actions are added to agenda…

I think i have something misconfigured, but don’t know what :slight_smile:

the was selected “same as outgoing emails”, but i tried separate config here now.
But nothing changed :slight_smile: Are there some other prerequisites for email sending when ticket is assigned?

Hello checa on V20 and there is no option to get a mail from Dolibarr when you are assigned to one ticket… Any help?