Sent status of an invoice or proposals

Situation: an invoice was created and was validated, but was not sent via e-mail. Consequences: waiting for a payment of an unsent invoice, trouble with the customer, etc. Same for proposals.
I know, transmitting the e-mail from Dolibarr to the smtp server is no gurantee that the document was transmitted, but this level of problem is solved by other mechanisms (monitor log server).

How can I see, if an invoice or proposal was sent by Dolibarr? Is there a status or flag that can be set?

Or is it logged somewhere? It is not mentioned in the log tab of an invoice.

Your question reminds me of this feature request I have

You can see some information if MANUALLY sent in the invoice/order/proposal events.

This is in the bottom right of the Sales Order page for any given order. I would expect the same to be present for invoices, proposals, …

But there is more :slight_smile:

if you go to the Events/Agenda tab of the same view, then you get a little different information

Finally you can also go into the Contact for that Thirdparty and see the same kind of details.

Unfortunately you can not see any of the automatic notifications, so if you use that module you won’t know if if was sent or not :frowning:

Also for each and every thirdparty you have to enable the Specific triggers that you want notifications to be sent for and select the contact which is the recipient.