Shipment sheet trouble

Hello Everyone,

another error came up this morning which doesn’t allow us to create shipment sheets (incomplete page). It still worked last night, no idea what has changed overnight.

2023-06-14 05:40:39 ERR Expedition::Fetch no expedition found.

And another thing came up. If we make a sales order and make an invoice afterwards, the invoice has 0 items and is not connected to the sales order…
2023-06-14 06:02:34 ERR Error, the last counter found is ‘0’ so is not a numeric value. We will restart to 1.

any suggestions what is missing?


Hello again

adding some more findings, maybe someone can help:

Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method Expedition::loadExpeditions() in /customers/7/0/8/ Stack trace: #0 {main} thrown in /customers/7/0/8/ on line 1117

what is wrong whit this: $object->loadExpeditions();


@ksar any idea? thanks for the help


What is your dolibarr version ? You are up to date ?

Hi Ksar, V 17.0.2 with PHP 8.0

on my trial server i tried upgrading but didnt help


seems also to be linked to that : Upgrade from v16 to v17 broke things - #4 by gurksallad

Hi KSar,

ok seems to be similar issue, is there a solution to this problem already?

we try to integrate the system to Hostinger to see if this get any better.
