another error came up this morning which doesn’t allow us to create shipment sheets (incomplete page). It still worked last night, no idea what has changed overnight.
2023-06-14 05:40:39 ERR Expedition::Fetch no expedition found.
And another thing came up. If we make a sales order and make an invoice afterwards, the invoice has 0 items and is not connected to the sales order…
2023-06-14 06:02:34 ERR Error, the last counter found is ‘0’ so is not a numeric value. We will restart to 1.
adding some more findings, maybe someone can help:
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method Expedition::loadExpeditions() in /customers/7/0/8/ Stack trace: #0 {main} thrown in /customers/7/0/8/ on line 1117
what is wrong whit this: $object->loadExpeditions();