[SOLVED - ISH] Duplicate Entry When Vallidating Intervention

Thanks for dolibarr, it’s really nice and I enjoy using it so far.
I got into a little bump though.

I created a draft intervention for the second time after making a mistake, then try to validate, I get this error:

Duplicate entry ‘ficheinter/FI2202-0003-FI2202-0003.pdf-1’ for key ‘uk_ecm_files’

I am not at all sure of what to do with that.

Any help ?

OK so here is what I did.
Went to phpmyadmin, looked for table that had “ecm” somewhere in its names.
Found the table : ecm_files. deleted the line related to the same file name, and deleted it.
So far it works.

Today I faced the same issue, Duplicate entry ‘facture/IN2405-0057-IN2405-0057.pdf-1’ for key ‘uk_ecm_files’

As per @ttech suggestion, I removed the entry related to the error file name from ecm_files tables, and the issue gets resolved.

But Not sure why this error occurred suddenly.