I can’t find the Professional IDs in my Dolibarr. Does anyone know if there is some function to disable them and I did it by mistake or is that a BUG in version 13.0.1? I can see them in the online demo which is version 13.0.0 but they are not visible in my version. The Professional IDs in Third Parties which were created before (in previous Dolibarr versions) are visible but I cannot see them when creating new Third Parties. Thanks for your time.
- Go to htdocs/admin/translation.php
- Search the key: profid
- Find profid with your country code eg. profidGB
- Click on + on the right side
- Input whatever you need in “New translation string to show” eg. EORI number
- Click ADD
- Now the profid is visible
I upgraded form Dolibarr 12 to Dolibarr 13 and the profid I did set in the 12 version are missing now.
I noticed that changing country different profid fields do appear.
Just to check if this was an upgrade problem or something wrong with the installation I also installed a whole new instance Dolibarr 13.0.3, I have seen that this is how it works now, it is not an errors occurred during the upgrade process.
This new behaviour disrupt the old old installations when upgraded.
I need all the profid fields I had before in the company profile and also in the third parties.
The solution indicated in this post is either out of date or wrong, I find no profid keys in the file htdocs/admin/translation.php
How can I fix this?
Thank you
- Go to htdocs/admin/translation.php
- Search the key: profid
- Find profid with your country code eg. profidGB
- Click on + on the right side
- Input whatever you need in “New translation string to show” eg. EORI number
- Click ADD
- Now the profid is visible
This solution is about going in setup > translation (located at http(s)://www.yourdomain/yourdolibarrfolder/htdocs/translation.php) and overwriting translations, but does not work any more for my country and maybe other countries as well.
Since version 13.0.2 at least Dolibarr do change the amount of available profid field in the http(s)://www.yourdomain/yourdolibarrfolder/htdocs/admin/company.php?mainmenu=home page (from menu setup > menucompanysetup).
E.g. if you choose Italy, or Germany, or Austria, or other countries some settings are used for which some profid fields are hidden according to the country laws, in many other countries still all the profid available are shown
What I need is that selecting a any country all the available profid are shown just as happened before in version 12 and previous ones.
Besides that as said above, trying to overwrite the translation for the profid in the setup > translation page do output a strange error, for profid5 and profid6 there is a warning icon on the right side, hovering on it this message appear “you forced a new translation for the translation key ‘profid5’ that does not exist in any language file”
Trying to overwrite the translation keys one does receive a confirmation that the key is successfully overwritten, but checking it results that was NOT overwritten.
So now for several countries I do not see how I can 1) have all available profid keys shown, 2) overwriting it does not work any more
Anyone does know what to do to fix this?
Thank you