Speeding up dolibarr usage and development by creating de-coupled services?

maybe we can Speed up dolibarr usage and development by creating de-coupled services?

presented in this video

" Design more decoupled services with one weird trick - Udi Dahan - NDC Oslo 2024 "

The trick is to create all the id’s at the very beginning. Purchase id, Shipment id, …


That would certainly be interesting, but I think it would require more work than designing and developing new software from scratch.

Let me say this as a third-party developer: the best way to help us develop more agilely in Dolibarr would be by greatly improving the system’s documentation.

I know that documentation is a real headache to do well, and especially to keep it up-to-date. But honestly, where I sometimes lose 50% of my time developing for Dolibarr is doing REVERSE ENGINEERING to understand how some functions work, some events, to look for hooks, etc.

Perhaps we could do something using artificial intelligence to set up a kind of “chatbot” that helps us answer basic questions about the code, about database tables and their relationships, the modules that access the tables, etc.

I’ve been thinking about something like this for a few months now. That would really help me program more agilely for Dolibarr.


Oh, by the way, since we’re talking about helping developers, I’ll take this opportunity to request again from those responsible for the English and French forums (which are the two most used) to PLEASE activate the official Discourse module that uses AI to allow finding relevant information in the forum!! The classic search box is a very slow tool for finding relevant information.

I wouldn’t mind creating a kind of RAG with the forum posts (as embedding technology is very cheap), but this is something that the official Discourse module already does. It’s just a matter of activating it.

I don’t know if we programmers could pay an annual amount to cover the AI costs in these forums. But well, at least with part of what we contribute with our sales in Dolistore (20% of the module’s sale value) something could be contributed to pay for the minimum embedding costs.

Fraternal greetings