Stripe URL message error


I have configured test public et secret API keys for payments with stripe.
When I create an invoice to try the link for the stripe payment, I get this message error on the web page which is opened :

This website or feature is currently temporarly not available or failed after a technical error.

This may be due to a maintenance operation. Current status of operation (2021-11-19T15:51:02Z) are on next line…

Dolibarr a détecté une erreur technique. Vous pouvez lire le fichier log ou définir l’option $dolibarr_main_prod sur ‘0’ dans votre fichier de configuration pour obtenir plus d’informations.

When I click, Strip is in test mode.

Help please, someone could help me ?

You should set option $dolibarr_main_prod to 0 to get more information on this technical error

Thank you really much.

I got this error :
Message: Paypal setup param PAYPAL_API_USER not defined

Then I have deactivated the Paypal module and then Stripe is now working.