UK April 2019, mandatory electronic VAT submission

From April 2019 the UK Govt requires VAT returns to be made via HMRC tested/approved software. Does any Dolibarr users have a solution to this? My finance lady is telling me I have no choice but to move to xero (she hates Doli, but everybody else in the company loves it). xero is £20 pcm. Right now we raise invoices in Doli and then she re-raises them in TassBooks and then goes back and validates them in Doli when they get mailed out. She passes the accounts to the accountant from TassBooks. My plan was to eventually drop TassBooks all together and migrate everything to Doli but now she’s swanning around thinking she’s scuppered that plan!

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Hi RichE

I’ve not seen any mention of VAT changes for UK-specific Dolibarr set up but I am guessing it would be a little early from a developer’s point of view. Bearing in mind that GDPR isn’t really in the Dolibarr core either.

I’m guessing a third party module would probably sort this out for you through one of the developers but the question is how? Would we want the UK government to test and approve Dolibarr or do they just want the VAT returns in a specific approved format? I think getting them to test it would be a big headache and probably not in favour of the British businesses (red tape, flexibility etc). If you could look into it, maybe you could submit a feature request to the respository. If after an acceptable period of time nobody picks it up then maybe look into getting a module created for it.

I’m not VAT registered myself so I don’t have that headache yet. I hope there are other UK Dolibarr users who could shed some light on this though.

I will mark your post as a ‘sticky’ to keep it at the top of this section in hope that we can get more UK-Dolibarr users to reply and offer their thoughts.

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Making Tax Digital for VAT: legislation overview

Following on from the thread Rakata’s position with respect to the UK is to integrate with a 3rd party product that is compatible. Therefore we have created a separate application sat outside of Dolibarr that integrates with Xero which is fully UK Tax Digital compliant. Our logic is if HMRC requires changes to the integration for making Tax Digital it is better for Xero, Sage, Kashflow etc to do it rather than us. Assuming the integration to these solutions doesn’t change (so far they haven’t) then it is a more stable environment. Secondly one of our customers uses Xero for their final accounting evening though the quoting/invoicing in done within Dolibarr. In this scenario, we get the best of both worlds!!

Just a thought.

Rakata Technology

Hi Dwight

Is this ‘separate application link between doli and xero’ a finished piece of work? can it be available in dolistore? or downloadable somewhere? We could possibly make use of that depending on how workable it is to integrate in our systems (we are all Linux here). Or if it’s a Java program, operating through the Doli and xero API’s I would also be interested.

Cheers - Rich

Hi Rich,

The application for the integration is ironically written in .net. The reason for this we had already written an integration app to Xero for another application we have built so this was a simple lift and shift. Secondly, the application requirements from this particular customer only required a one-way feed from Dolibarr to Xero which meant we could simply extract in read-only form from the Dolibarr database to Xero.

We also created some bespoke fields e.g. Xero customer tick box that it reads to determine if those details should be pulled that wouldn’t be standard in everyone else’s Dolibarr installation

For this reason and the .NET :slight_smile: we didn’t think to put it on the Dolistore would go down that well!

We are updating it next week for a few enhancements but we would be happy to drop you a copy and see if would work.




Ok Dwight, if you would be kind enough to drop me a copy, when you get a moment, that would be great. Much appreciated. I am on email at doliforum.e7f (at)
Cheers - Rich

You need to contact Dolibarr partner or Implementer[Search it on Dolibarr website] from you country and verify if they did it already. Or if you are implementing it to yourself you can Demo the system from UK Govt and get the approval. [You can use your cellphone to do this since it is accessible using your any gadgets]. [Our VAR here is very 3 months]. So just generate the VAT Report by PDF [during the implementation you need to assigned Account Vat Input and Vat Output] then submit to them. or if they are very Strict on [Auditing]. You can assign a user from them only for that Particular area. They can accessed it on the Internet. The [journal entries or sub ledger] on Dolibarr is editable. But one thing if you are running with Group of Companies Accountant must follow the Journal Entries. Since the Input vat might pickup to Default VAT assigned into it.

You can follow my post if you are not familiar with it.

Thank you.