Hi I check for upgrade and it shows Ver.20
But when I click soundforge I am only able to download 19.03 I am unabel to get the Ver 20 installer for doliwamp (windows)
Yes, Doliwamp version 20 has not been published yet.
Thanks for the reply ksar. I must first of all thank all of you for this wonderful software. Kudos to you all for making this open source. I must also tell you that i have installed this in a education institute where we give free education to about 12000 poor and underprivileged children in Mumbai, India.
Coming to your reply, when I check the update it shows me stable version 20.0 that was the reason I messaged.
Anyways thanks a million.
Need a small help. I just upgraded to the Version 20 of the doliwamp. I think there is a issue in the external user login.
Earlier when the external user logged in they could see their dashboard, orders and invoice etc which ever they had been given permission to. But after the upgrade it does not show anything. Everything is 0. Then when they click on the x which is now moved to the left in version 20, the purchase order shows fine but in the vendor invoice they can see all the list of all the invoice of all the vendors. They cannot open the invoice of other vendors but they should also not be able to see it in the list. How do I solve this?