Unable to Upgrade from 19.0.1 to 20.0.1. Stuck at 19.0.1

I am attempting to Upgrade from 19.0.1 to 20.0.1 following the instructions shown in the Upgrade/Extend link under Admin Tools.

  1. I download the compressed file from Sourceforge
  2. I unzip the 20.0.1 files and then move them, forcing an overwrite of files in the server directory.
  3. I rename the install.lock file
  4. Then I go to the domain.com/install/ and it has a great long list of versions and only upgrade from 18.0.* or 19.0.0 → 19.0.* is available as an upgrade. This seems to indicate ver 20 files are not there. No option to upgrade to 20 appears. It seems I am putting the files in the incorrect location? If I do run the upgrade of 18.0.* or 19.0.0 → 19.0.* it seems to break the site and I have to restore from backup.

Once I uncompress the compressed file I have a folder dolibarr-20.0.1. I then copy the files and folders to my Dolibarr site using the following command:

cp -rf dolibarr-20.0.1/* erp.mysite.com/

Am I putting the files in the wrong place? Any help would be appreciated. I am okay using 19.0.1 but, now that I have tried to upgrade, I am “obsessed” with it :rofl:
Thank you.

what is the full path of your installation?


Thank you for the responce. The website is on a shared server. If i go to epr.mysite.com it will start in the virtual server folder:
/users/[secret id number]/epr.mysite.com/

Hope that helps.


I need what is inside erp.mysite.com/ to be able to help you.
Also where do you download the new version to? In desktop or server?

A few of the many files/folders under /users/[secret id number]/epr.mysite.com/ include:

There are 80 folders and 11 files in that directory that are related to the Dolibarr 19.0.1 installation

The uncompressed files from the downloaded Dolibarr 20.0.1 are all contained in the folder: /users/[secret id number]/dolibarr-20.0.1/
Files/folders found in there include:
5 folders and 11 files.

I hope that is understandable. I am that it is something simple that I am missing, like just putting the files in the wrong place. Again, thank you for your help.

My guess is that the root of your Dolibarr installation is the “erp.mysite.com/”.

So if you haven’t back up already do this first and then use this command:

cp -rf dolibarr-20.0.1/htdocs/* erp.mysite.com/

then go to your domain.com/install/ and if the first option is
“upgrade 19.0. → 20.0.**” go ahead and continue with the upgrade.

If that is successful and after you check all is good with your Dolibarr, return to
/users/[secret id number]/epr.mysite.com/ directory and erase the same 5 folders and 11 files that are in uncompressed dolibarr-20.0.1/ file.
This is because you previously have given the wrong command

cp -rf dolibarr-20.0.1/* erp.mysite.com/

Hope that helps.

Yes, erp.mysite.com/ is the root of the dolibarr website.

This worked! Thank you. The instructions in my Dolibarr install (Admin Tools > Upgrade/Extend) said to copy /dolibarr-20.0.1/* into the root not /dolibarr-20.0.1/htdocs/*

Seeing that, it all makes sense now. Thank you very much for helping me through this. I knew it was something simple.