Update dolibarr from 18.0.2 to 19.0.2


I’m triying to update to the last version. I downloaded soure files from github, copied files to dolibarr folder.

When i open dolibarr-url/install ,i got the window with :

  • Latest updated version: 18.0.2 - Program version: 18.0.2

I executed those commands :
cd /tmp/
wget https://codeload.github.com/Dolibarr/dolibarr/zip/refs/heads/develop
mv develop develop.zip
unzip develop.zip -d ./dolibarr
cp -rf ./dolibarr/dolibarr-develop/* /home/bitnami/dolibarr/

In htdocs folder a lot of files have the date of the day, old files were replaced with new files but the install page won’t detect the new version.

Thanks for your help,


First with this : wget https://codeload.github.com/Dolibarr/dolibarr/zip/refs/heads/develop
You download the develop version = 20.0.0-Alpha not the 19.0.2

Secondly, if the installation script doesn’t detect is that you do not overwrite existing file : But this is depending on which folder you have installed Dolibarr.


i have find the correct folder. For bitnami version it’s in /opt/bitnami/dolibarr

I executed the copy with the command bellow :
sudo cp -rf /tmp/dolibarr-19.0.2/* /opt/bitnami/dolibarr/

The upgrade went well.

Thanks for your help

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