Update issue P.label using Excel file


When i Update my product name’s
From Name1 to Naaame1, Name2 to Naaame2, Name3 to Naaame3 etc .
Dolibarr update’s but it’s not showing.

As you can see in the picture’s (update sheet)

when it passes the update.

the extrafields are updated but not the P.label (it finds the items using new product name) was GR22TQ Changed to MWRB-Size-TQ

when i look in the kit it has changed,

but not in the productlist. please let me know what i am doing wrong here.


Sometimes it just partially update’s
in this case

Ηι @PimDolie
Changing product name is a really bad idea because the change will also replicate in older invoices!

Thanks for the info, but i already know that.
no problem as the product remains the same.

anyway someone knows why this happens?