Dolibarr V19 has been released (Edit : V19.0.4 is availlable)!

The dolibarr association is pleased to announce the release of Version branch 19.0 of Dolibarr ERP & CRM !

Version 19 is a major release with a lot of new features for both users and developers. You can find it on our download mirror on sourceforge.

Dolibarr V19 is now compatible with PHP V8.2 !
For all the new features, please take a look on the ChangeLog

As always, is better to wait V19.0.1 or V19.0.2 before going in production.

Happy upgrade !


WOW, so many changes:-) thanks to all developers

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upgraded a few hours ago, whatsapp is not working anymore, its using my dolibarr URL instead of WhatsApp Web

Does anybody know in which file i could change the url?


So i found a small workaround
I moved all the whatsapp numbers to youtube and changed the youtube url to whatsapp inkl. the logo, i used putty with the following command

UPDATE llx_societe SET socialnetworks = REPLACE (socialnetworks, ‘whatsapp’, ‘youtube’);

New customers need the whatsapp number to be given to the youtube field in the socialnetwork.

@Plows would you care to elaborate a bit more what and how you use Whats App integrated with Dolibarr?

Yes of course,
we mainly use WhatsApp for our customers, next to the telefon number we added a whatsapp number with the module, this is very comfortable and is used more than phoning the customer, after i updated from 18.0.4 to 19.0.0 the whatsapp url was broken and linking to my dolibar url with my own phone number, when i use the same whatsapp url in youtube ( link) its working.

I hope you could follow me, if not don´t hesitate to contact me, i will add a Snipping Picture


found it luckily, my own whatsapp url was missing :slight_smile:

My calculated extra fields aren’t working anymore, they have this error
Bad string syntax to evaluate (found call of a function or method without using direct name

anyone has any ideas?

I have another sandbox which is still in v18 and my calculated fields are working.
this is my exact formula
((($reloadedobj = new Product($db)) && ($reloadedobj->fetchNoCompute($objectoffield->fk_product) > 0)) ? $reloadedobj->array_options[‘options_pcsperbag’] : ‘0’)

Receiving Error for extrafield that was working before for auto generation of Serial Number from Work/Sales Order Number:

Bad string syntax to evaluate (found chars that are not chars for simplestring):

$objectoffield->array_options[“options_serialnumbermanual”] == “” ? ($object->fetchObjectLinked() ? sprintf("%04d%01d%04d to %04d%01d%04d ",reset($object->linkedObjects[‘commande’])->ref,$objectoffield->rang, 1, reset($object->linkedObjects[‘commande’])->ref,$objectoffield->rang, $objectoffield->qty) : “No WO Found”) : $objectoffield->array_options[“options_serialnumbermanual”];

My Dolibarr automatically upgraded to 19.0 from Softaculous can someone help me downgrade to 18.0.4

I have the same issue

you would need a backup from 18.0.4, did you contact Softaculous to bring you back to 18.0.4?

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The v19 is more restrictive on what you are allowed to do in extrafields. Can you confirm this formula is the one used inside the “Computed field” ?
You mix simple and double quotes into the formula. Can you try to replace to use only double quotes ?
Replace also the $objectoffield->array_options[“options_serialnumbermanual”] == “” with
Remove also the ; at end

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Hi Eldy,

i have this issue with formula after upgrading to v19, can you help me what seems to be the issue?

((($reloadedobj = new Product($db)) && ($reloadedobj->fetchNoCompute($objectoffield->fk_product) > 0)) ? $reloadedobj->array_options[‘options_pcsperbag’] : ‘0’)

I am getting this error message:

Bad string syntax to evaluate (found call of a function or method without using direct name): ((($reloadedobj = new Product($db)) && ($reloadedobj->fetchNoCompute($objectoffield->fk_product) > 0)) ? $reloadedobj->array_options[‘options_pcsperbag’] : ‘0’)

This formula is working in v18.

Thank you very much!

You can try :

Hi Eldy,

Thanks, i think the double quote worked and also yes i removed the global parentheses.

($reloadedobj = new Product($db)) && ($reloadedobj->fetchNoCompute($objectoffield->fk_product) > 0) ? $reloadedobj->array_options[“options_pcsperbag”] : 0

Thank you!

Thanks, I managed to get it to work after I posted but I used a different way. I calculated values as integer and then added them in String by using “$var1 to $var2” instead of using sprintf (because the error used to go away when I replaced sprintf). This is what I ended up with which worked out quite well.

($var1 = $objectoffield->array_options["options_srnostart"]) > 0 && ($var2 = $objectoffield->array_options["options_srnoend"]) ? $objectoffield->empty($objectoffield->array_options["options_serialnumbermanual"]) ? "$var1 to $var2" : $objectoffield->array_options["options_serialnumbermanual"] : $objectoffield->array_options["options_serialnumbermanual"]

For next time’s formulas, I’ll keep your points in mind (using double quotes only and empty() instead of checking for empty string. Also removed semicolon.

Is there any way to know when the version 19.0.1 will be out please?
Currently i am following commits on branch 19.0 on Github, but not sure what will push you to make the release?

Hello all,

The Dolibarr version 19.0.1 is now available !

You can download it from SourceForge .

The complete list of change is available on the ChangeLog .

How to upgrade : Here

Have a good day & upgrade !

I am upgrade from 18.0.3 to 19.0.1.
Delete install.lock to upgrade.
After upgrade create install.lock but dolibarr did not detect it.
So it become vulnerable.

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it is most likely that you placed the new install.lock file in a wrong directory or that you mistyped its name. I would recommend to double check this.

Hi, sorry for the posts.
I found that the problem is with my installation, I use docker version of dolibarr with mergerfs.
After I put document folder on other file system it is okay.
Thanks for the reply

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